Feeling Well, Thanks

I need to thank all people who have been messaging, texting and reaching out asking about how I'm doing. I deeply appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers. I wish I could effectively communicate or demonstrate how comforting everybody's kind words are.

The other thing that I am grateful about is to learn how many people are fellow cancer survivors. I had no idea. Many people have shared their stories and challenges. In the big picture, I am very fortunate that (at least up to now) my cancer is isolated to one organ.  Thank you to all that have opened up and shared with me. I truly appreciate your selflessness. I hope I am able to do the same.

I am feeling well right now. There are a couple of things I've noticed this week, but I'm not sure they are new or that I am sensitive to symptoms now that I've been through the ringer with the docs. For example, I am experiencing some mild pain in my lower back in the evenings, but I think that it's probably related more to my lousy poisture sitting in a desk chair for 12+ hours a day. (For example - even now I find myself slouched in my chair, resting on my left elbow as I type away). I'm also feeling some fatigue. I'm cat napping on the weekends and going to bed earlier (10PM ish) during the week. In the past, I would always chalk up the naps to this incredible discovery a couple years ago about how good I would feel after a quick nap. I'm not going to even try to understand if these are cause or effect. All I know is I need to fix my posture and I sure feel good after a nap!

This past week has pretty much been normal. Put in a full week of work, no doctor appointments. Did have some adminitrative items related to my leave of absence, and received my itinerary for my pre-op visit to City of Hope on the 21st. Must mean that things are getting real....


  1. Thanks so much for the update. I’m so glad you’re getting lots of support to help you along. Naps are your friend through the upcoming months . Happy you’re able to embrace them and take care of yourself!
    August 3 is a good omen. That’s my wedding date. May it be as good to you.
    Hugs and prayers still coming!!😘❤️

  2. Mike suggests the following:
    Exercise as much as possible to build up strength and to exhaust yourself. Lift weights or use a treadmill/bike set to a challenging level; mild walking won’t exhaust you. It will help you to sleep and to some extent counteract worrying about outcomes. Do this at least twice a day. I sent you an eye mask for post surgery—they rarely turn all the lights off and sleep comes hard: take every opportunity you can. If you will get pain meds bring some simple mechanical puzzles with no loose parts. Your concentration will be messed up and minor accomplishments that don’t require a lot of focus will help. Watch cartoons or silly game shows. Both Mike and I pray for your speedy recovery.


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