Five Months?!?!?!
NOTE: I originally wrote this to post back on my birthday - 1/12. Today is 1/29. I got lazy and stored this away as a draft, but then forgot it was there!. So, I'm posting it today.
Has it really been 5 months? Yeah. Kind of blows my mind. It's one week shy of 5 months since surgery for something I never thought I would need to face.
The last time I left a note here was a couple of days after my first immunotherapy session. A lot has happened since:
- On the medical front:
- Two additional immunotherapy sessions with the only side effect being some itching.
- Blood work and labs that seem to show that my body is adjusting to life with one kidney. Creatinine is higher than normal, but trending in the right direction. Dr. Pal says this is normal.
- CT scans (done last Wednesday) that came back clean and showing no evidence of metastasis.
- On the life front:
- I've been back to work since November 18th. Meh. It was much more fun with the two "B"s - baking and boring.
There has been one big change though. I can't help but to think about mortality every now and then. I can't help thinking that I *need* to enjoy and savor life. After all - who knows - I may only be around for a few more years. Really puts things in perspective.
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