How long? What?

The next thing I remember was looking at the clock. It was 5:30. What? 

Before I go a whole lot further, I need to let you know that this chapter's memory could be influenced by the effects of anesthesia. My wife said she spoke to me on the phone and kept telling her I was confused. I have no recollection of a phone conversation with her.

The nurse (I think it was the same person who prepped me early in the morning) told me my wife was on her way. I think I said something like "Well, that took longer than planned." I think he said yes, but that everything went well.

Dr. Yamzon showed up. He let me know a couple things - the tumor was much larger than anticipated - I think he said 20 pounds. He also said that they had to create a large incision to get the tumor out. I remember saying something like "That explains the pain." (Hey! I'm blaming the anesthesia)

At some point, my wife showed up, because she heard the same thing that I did from the doctor - "The good news is we got it all out." 

Thank goodness. 10 hours of surgery. For my first time in the hospital, I not sure whether to be proud or not.


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